Welcome Page
On behalf of the staff, governors and pupils, I warmly welcome you to Deanery C.E. Primary School.
I am extremely proud to be the Head Teacher of this wonderful school.
Visitors often tell us that in everything we do, and everything we say, our Christian ethos of peace, love and care permeates throughout the school. They comment on happy, confident children engaged in their learning. We take great pride that children feel safe and secure and that education, strengthened by our faith, is the vehicle with which children can achieve their full potential. As you explore the website, you will see many examples of the exciting opportunities for children to enjoy and learn, provided by our professional, dedicated staff.
Our school is further strengthened by partnerships and collaborative working relationships. We enjoy working closely with other schools, both locally and further afield; with the churches that make up the Deanery; with extended services supporting the whole family, provided by our Children’s Centre. We have a very supportive and hard working group of governors who are highly skilled and an extremely effective team of parents who successfully run the PTFA. Together, we strive to provide our children with the very best learning opportunities.
We look forward to welcoming you as we work together to continue to make Deanery the very special place that it is today.
Mrs Jayne Luckett
Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead