At Deanery we feel that it is important to develop the whole child and to allow children to shine in all different areas. Our Enrichment programme provides the children with a choice of activities such as photography, outdoor activities, construction, Italian, cooking and many more.
For more information about our vision for Enrichment, please see Enrichment
KS2 Enrichment (2023/4)
Model car making Sewing Dance Multi Sports Papercraft Photography
Outdoor Activities Music Digital Music Exploration Book Making Musical Theatre
KS1 Enrichment activities (2023/4)
Cooking French Sign Language Art Outdoor Activities Gardening
Physical Activities Zentangle Construction Kindness Club
Enterprise Musical Exploration Dance Historical Exploration
KS2 Enrichment activities (2022/3)
Art Yoga Clothing Design Papercraft Bookmaking Photography Outdoor activities Sewing Multi Sports Batik Model Car making
KS1 Enrichment activities (2022/3)
Construction Kindness club Musical exploration Zentangle Enterprise Dance French Sewing Cooking Gardening Photography Mutli Sports Outdoor adventures Sign language
Please see our Blog for more examples of the exciting things we are doing in our Enrichment sessions.