Foundation Stage
Phonics – We ask that children practise their phonic sounds for the day, the videos for these can be found on the school website.
Reading – Children in Reception should be reading each night once they have reached the stage of being issued with a book. Their Little Wandle Big Cat Phonics book is a book for them to practise reading and that they should be able to read with ease. Children will bring another book of their choice home that is intended to be shared with parents. We ask that parents sign the children’s Reading Records each time they listen to their children read.
Maths – Daily practise of number bonds and times tables facts. Year groups will specify which number bonds or time tables should be practised and recall achieved by the end of the year
Reading – Children in KS1 should be reading for approximately 10 minutes each night.
Children in Y1 should be reading their Little Wandle Big Cat Phonics book each night. This is a book for them to practise reading and that they should be able to read with ease. Children will bring another book of their choice home that is intended to be shared with parents. We ask that parents sign the children’s Reading Records each time they listen to their children read.
Y2 – children should be for 10minutes each night. This may be reading to an adult, with an adult or independently. We would also encourage older/more able children to discuss the book, predict future events in order to develop their skills of inference and deduction. We ask that parents sign the children’s Reading Records each time they listen to their children read.
Maths – Daily practise times tables facts using TT Rockstars and verbal questioning. Year groups will specify which time tables should be practised and recall achieved by the end of the year. When a child has confident recall of times tables up to 12x12, they should practise recalling the associated division facts.
Reading – Children in KS2 should be reading for approx. 20 minutes each night. This may be reading to an adult, with an adult or independently. We would also encourage older/more able children to discuss the book, predict future events in order to develop their skills of inference and deduction.
Children should read their own reading book 3 times per week, 1 topic related text per week and 1 other text e.g. current affairs, recipe, text of parents’ choice.
The topic related text and suggested current affairs text will be posted on Google Classrooms weekly.
Other – Occasionally children may be asked to undertake some research for an upcoming topic. Parents might, for example, find themselves supporting research of Egyptian Gods, finding out about grandparents’ experience of school or measuring objects around the home. This also means that each child can pursue a set task at their own level of ability. We expect children to maintain the same standards for presentation of homework as we set in school i.e. to use their best handwriting and a sharp pencil or blue pen.
Parental expectations:
An outline of the teaching programmes - “Programme of Study” will be made available on the school website each half term this will inform parents of topics can support their child’s learning. This is important as it helps parents to know more about what is going on in class and to support enthusiasm for learning.
Google Classroom
All homework will be set via Google Classroom with expectation outlined each Monday for the forthcoming week.
Any additional homework should always have been explained and discussed in class before coming home; it may be a continuation of classwork, or a maths games already familiar to your child. It is our intention, and good practice, not to send work home that the child cannot already do i.e. parents are not expected to teach new skills. There should be a clear explanation/reminder from the teacher of what is expected.
The tasks set will not always need to be handed in; there are other ways in which teachers will respond or give feedback, for example, sharing results in class discussion, putting work onto a display or transferring work into class books.
Staff expect :
• Homework to be presented neatly
• Homework to be given appropriate consideration
• Homework to be returned on time
• Parents to encourage and praise their child
Procedure for children who forget homework or who are absent :
The following procedure will apply:
• If a child repeatedly forgets, he/she will be asked to complete Homework in the NEW Room at lunchtime. (KS2)
Holiday Work
If you take holiday during term-time, something we actively discourage, parents may not request work from the teacher. We suggest that parents organise a holiday diary.
Homework Concerns
If you find the homework inappropriate for your child, if they lack interest, if it becomes a battleground or if you are concerned that homework is given inconsistently please talk with your child’s teacher in the first instance.